
Perfectly good: Film

In the midst of hectic schedules and little time to breathe, I ironically have had some time to think. At what point I still can't figure out. In spare moments of thought, my mind is bum rushed with all things I haven't done, what I need to do. And I realized--a lot less of what I would like to do. 
There are nights where the dark sky hugs the constellations and I sense displacement in my own being. Each burning star embraced in the depths of a slumbering blanket of universe, content with their own brightness. There is no competition. They are there. Each, one amongst trillions. 
Life is so much more and so much less than a competition. You have developed, I have developed, into the people we are, the people who we spend every waking moment with in our heads.There is no need to compete with others, as they are them, and you are you. We are all different. And you are perfectly good as is. 

currently listening to: if i had a boat- james vincent mcmorrow

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